Executive Function Coach
Pronouns: She ⸱ Her . Ia
Qualifications: BEd, Dip Tchg, Cert EF Coaching, Cert TESOL (Trinity), Cert ELT, NZ Cert Adult Lit & Num Ed (Voc.), Te Pōkaitahi Reo Māori me ngā Tikanga (Kaupae Whā)
Modalities: Motivational Interviewing, Scaffolding, Neuroplasticity - Myelination theory, Executive function
Meet Erena
Erena is a certified Executive Function coach. She is both highly qualified and has deep expertise in learning and educational psychology.
Erena began teaching in 1991 and has worked with learners of all ages and stages. She's also managed to fit in some entrepreneurship and a lot of study. Now, her main focus is culturally sensitive, strengths-based approaches for Māori and Pasifika, as well as those with learning challenges, especially around cognitive function.
Erena explains, "In my late forties, I was diagnosed with ADHD. This has completely changed my understanding of the brain-learning connection; in fact, it changed my life!
Erena is firm that ADHD is not a life sentence. It is about understanding yourself and finding solutions that are practical and realistic. She's here to help you understand yourself better and find your own unique path to success.
She offers this whakataukī:
I orea te tuatara ka puta ki waho
A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions.